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Helping clever people
be commercially smart 


Teach what you know to others.
Make a difference.
Make money doing so.

In a world of get-rich programs and six-figure promises, we provide an island of sanity with a sober set of strategies that help experts capture, package and deliver what they know in a way that makes money and impact. We do so in an intimate and impactful three-year journey. Some get there in one year, and some take more than three years.


Students who've learnt our curriculum


Students who've joined Business School


Students who've achieved black belt


Average time (in years) students reached black belt 

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My name is Matt Church, and for the last few decades, we here at Thought Leaders have been helping clever people like you to be commercially smart. We do so by encouraging you to build and run a Thought Leaders Practice. It's not quite a 'business' or 'job' but rather a third choice, a 'practice'. 

The whole approach is described in a book I wrote with some students a decade or so ago: The Thought Leaders Practice. 

We would love to send you one if you want a copy.  



More about Business School...

The School has a cap on the number of students we support annually. The annual fee in 2024 is $25,000 AUD (paid upfront). I host a discovery call once a month for people considering joining. 


We get that this is a big commitment and only something we would expect anyone to do with a conversation around timing, goals and fit. This is a commitment as it involves one-on-one sessions with me throughout the year, weekly small group tutorials, attending at least one in-person experience, and much more. You will write a book within these 12 months, as its positioning power is critical to your practice. And don't stress. We help you make all this happen. 

If you can see yourself speaking on stage, signing books, coaching people and delivering extraordinary masterclasses, then you have found your home, your tribe. 

Once you have applied, we will set up a private suitability call with one of our admissions team members. If this goes well, you and I will likely chat over Zoom for the next step. Fingers crossed, we get to that stage. 

Hero Video in Circle  Website

Apply to join Business School!

If you are ready to join, then it is time to apply. Don't stress; this step in the process helps us understand your readiness and ensures that you and I feel confident that the time is right for you to take your thought leadership to the world. There is no financial commitment to go through the application process.

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